Sunday, March 29, 2020

Achieving Emphasis in Essay Text

Achieving Emphasis in Essay Text One of the most important aspects of quality essay, article, novel or any other type of paper is catching and retaining reader’s attention.  In order to make sure your  essays or articles are read from top to bottom, I’m going to show you different ways you can achieve emphasis in text. After all, you don’t want your professor, client, or visitor of your blog or website to think the text is boring and stop reading it, right? Catching someone’s attention not  only requires interesting and informative content. You have to know how to properly emphasize certain parts of the text. What I like the most about emphasizing text is that you can do so in numerous ways. This allows you to implement different  essay strategies  while typing. Text devices Back in time, people couldn’t rely on various features in MS Word to achieve visual emphasis in text. In order to accomplish this, they used underlining in the typescript. Then, typesetter in the print shop would use italic font for the underlined words. Even today, one of the most common and easiest ways of emphasizing text is to Italianize or underline the phrase or a single word. With variety of options we have to make certain words of phrases visually stand out, it’s important to use them properly. Here are some examples. Italics – subtle stressing of the words, gives light emphasis Underline – used for emphasis of complete phrase, more insistent than italics Bold – used to make strong impact and create tension Size – bigger fonts stand out, while small fonts recede. But, you should be careful not to mix font sizes too much or text would look unappealing. Ideally, use bigger fonts for subheadings and chapter titles, while standard font size should be used for text Punctuation! – for example, exclamation mark adds extra emphasis to the entire sentence, but you should use them sparingly. When used excessively, exclamation marks don’t achieve desired effect Bullet points – drawing attention to important information to demonstrate key facts and it’s more appealing at the same time Color – brighter colors stand out more and they are used for achieving bigger impact while darker color are more subtle. Arrangement and choice of words Besides various text devices, you can let your readers know that what follows in text is very important by using specific words to express the emphasis e.g. particularly, crucially, additionally, above all, most importantly etc. You can also create a powerful emphasis by repeating certain words or phrases e.g. keywords. This also improve a  cohesive effect. Naturally, you should keep this effect moderate and strive not to repeat certain phrases too much. Otherwise, accentuating some parts of the text wouldn’t cause desired impact on reader. Example: There are couples who dislike one another furiously for several hours at a time; there are couples who dislike one another permanently; and there are couples who never dislike one another; but these last are people who are incapable of disliking anybody. (George Bernard Shaw) Another way of emphasizing text is to depart from the basic structural patterns of the language. For example, inversion of subject-verb-object pattern into object-subject-verb phrase is a great idea. Example: He was mowing the lawn to chase away the boredom†¦ The lawn he was mowing to chase away the boredom†¦ Ideally, words or phrases you’d like to accentuate should be placed near beginnings or endings of sentences. Moreover, you should never put words you want to emphasize in subordinate clauses! Example: You can’t deny the fact that technology has made a powerful impact onto business world today. Undeniably, the impact of technology onto business world today has been powerful. Other ways to achieve emphasis Use a question after series of statements Place subordinate clause in front of main clause Include short sentences (using variety sentences makes text seem choppy, but including them from time to time keeps readers’ attention and emphasizes particular part of text) Use contrasting words or phrases. When adding emphasis to text you’re writing you should avoid some common traps that come with desire to make something stand out. Always bear in mind that moderation is the key and make sure you don’t overdo it. Furthermore, consistency is the key particularly when using visual tools to emphasize the text. I made sure the article contains easy tips and tricks that you can easily implement into your future tasks or school projects. With these simple hacks, you’ll keep readers’ attention and make your work visually appealing at the same time. Isn’t that what we all want anyway?

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Topics for Ecology Essays

Topics for Ecology Essays Ecology is the study of the interactions and reciprocal influence of living organisms within a specific environment. Its usually taught in the context of biology, though some high schools also offer courses in Environmental Science which includes topics in ecology. Ecology Topics to Choose From Topics within the field can range broadly, so your choices of topics are practically endless! The list below may help you generate your own ideas for a research paper or essay. Research Topics How are new predators introduced into an area? Where has this happened in the United States?How is the ecosystem of your backyard different from the ecosystem of another persons backyard ecosystem?How is a desert ecosystem different from a forest ecosystem?What is the history and impact of manure?How are different types of manure good or bad?How has the popularity of sushi impacted the earth?What trends in eating habits have impacted our environment?What hosts and parasites exist in your home?Pick five products from your refrigerator, including the packaging. How long would it take for the products to decay in the earth?How are trees affected by acid rain?How do you build an ecovillage?How clean is the air in your town?What is the soil from your yard made of?Why are coral reefs important?Explain the ecosystem of a cave. How could that system be disturbed?Explain how rotting wood impacts the earth and people.What ten things could you recycle in your home?How is recycled paper made?How much carbon dioxide is released into the air every day because of fuel consumption in cars? How could this be reduced? How much paper is thrown away in your town every day? How could we use paper that is thrown away?How could each family save water?How does discarded motor oil affect the environment?How can we increase the use of public transportation? How would that help the environment?Pick an endangered species. What could make it go extinct? What could save this species from extinction?What species have been discovered within the past year?How could the human race become extinct? Describe a scenario.How does a local factory affect the environment?How do ecosystems improve water quality? Topics for Opinion Papers There is a great deal of controversy about topics that link ecology and public policy. If you enjoy writing papers that take a point of view, consider some of these: What impact is climate change having on our local ecology?Should the United States ban the use of plastics to protect delicate ecosystems?Should new laws be enacted to limit the use of energy produced by fossil fuels?How far should human beings go to protect ecologies where endangered species live?Is there ever a time when natural ecology should be sacrificed for human needs?Should scientists bring back an extinct animal? What animals would you bring back and why?If scientists brought back the saber-toothed tiger, how might it impact the environment?